AutoCAD 2021 New Commands and System Variables
New commands | Description | AutoCAD | AutoCAD LT |
BREAKATPOINT | Breaks the selected object into two objects at a specified point. | X | X |
DWGHISTORY | Opens the Drawing History palette, which displays a version history of the current drawing as maintained by a supported cloud storage provider. | X | X |
DWGHISTORYCLOSE | Closes the Drawing History palette. | X | X |
-INSERTCONTENT | Inserts a drawing or block into the current drawing. | X | X |
MAKELISPAPP | Compiles one or more AutoLISP (LSP) source files into an application (VLX) file that can be distributed to users and protect your code. | X | |
-PAGESETUP | Command line version of the PAGESETUP command intended for overriding the settings of page setups in scripts and other customization. | X | X |
REVCLOUDPROPERTIES | Controls the approximate chord-length for the arcs in a selected revision cloud. | X | X |
XCOMPARE | Compares an attached xref with the latest state of the referenced drawing file, highlighting the differences with color within revision clouds. | X | X |
XCOMPARECLOSE | Closes the Xref Compare toolbar and ends the comparison. | X | X |
XCOMPARERCNEXT | Zooms to the next change set of the xref comparison result. | X | X |
XCOMPARERCPREV | Zooms to the previous change set of the xref comparison result. | X | X |
New system variables | Description | AutoCAD | AutoCAD LT |
BLOCKSRECENTFOLDER | Sets the path where the recently inserted or created blocks are stored. | X | X |
COMPARESHOWCONTEXT | Controls the visibility of objects that are not used in the xref comparison. | X | X |
DWGHISTORYSTATE | Reports whether the Drawing History palette is open or closed. | X | X |
LISPSYS | Controls the default AutoLISP development environment started with the VLISP command. | X | |
REVCLOUDARCVARIANCE | Controls whether revcloud arcs are created with varying or uniform chord lengths. | X | X |
RTREGENAUTO | Controls automatic regeneration in real-time panning and zooming operations. | X | X |
TEXTGAPSELECTION | Controls whether you can select text or mtext objects within the gaps or spaces between the characters. This system variable is turned off by default. | X | X |
TRIMEDGES | Controls whether trimming and extending to hatches with Quick mode is limited to the edges of the hatches or includes the objects within hatch patterns. | X | X |
TRIMEXTENDMODE | Controls whether the TRIM and EXTEND commands use streamlined inputs by default. | X | X |
XCOMPAREBAKPATH | Specifies the path where the backup xref file is stored. | X | X |
XCOMPAREBAKSIZE | Sets the size of the folder where the backup xref file is stored. | X | X |
XCOMPARECOLORMODE | Switches the visual effect of objects in the host drawing during an xref comparison. | X | X |
XCOMPAREENABLE | Enables the comparison between an xref and the referenced drawing file. | X | X |