(8 may 2003) You may have seen this type of control codes: { fTahoma|b0|i0|c0|p34}. style='font-family:Arial'> What do they mean? Prefix What it does f Sets the font name (TT or SHX) b Switches 'bold' on (1) or off (0) i Switches 'italic' on (1) or off (0) c Sets code page (0=no, 2=symbols; 234=EE; etc.) p Sets font pitch and family … [Read more...] about What are the font control characters in MTEXT?
AutoCAD Tutorials
What prefixes are available for commands – AutoCAD Tip
(8 may 2003) Prefix What it does ' (quote mark) Transparency prefix - allows a command to be executed inside another command. Eg 'ZOOM - (dash) Command line prefix - invokes a non-dialog version of a command. Eg -LAYER _ (underscore) Non-localised command prefix - original English command names in a localised version of AutoCAD. Eg _LINE . (period) Non-redefined … [Read more...] about What prefixes are available for commands – AutoCAD Tip
How to Write Toolbars in AutoCAD Menu Files
Written by Allan, 2003 Applies to: AutoCAD 2000 AutoCAD 2002 AutoCAD 2004 AutoCAD 2005 AutoCAD Map 2000 to 2005 Menu File Types The term menu file actually refers to the group of files that work together to define and control the appearance and functionality of the menu areas. The following table describes the AutoCAD menu file types: MNU: Template menu … [Read more...] about How to Write Toolbars in AutoCAD Menu Files
How to input feet and inches in AutoCAD
compilied by Allan - April 2002' Is the symbol for feet" Is the symbol for inchesDrawing's set to 'FEET INCHES'(the base unit is inches). Below are examples of lengths to be entered in AutoCAD, and how to enter them at the command line.Sample LengthCommand Entry 1:Feet InchesCommand Entry 2:InchesCommand Entry 3:Decimal InchesCommand Entry 4:Decimal … [Read more...] about How to input feet and inches in AutoCAD
Block thumbnail icons do not display in AutoCAD Design Center
Written by Allan, 18 May 2002At least applies to:AutoCAD 2002Problem:A drawing holds a number of blocks internally. I am using the ADC (AutoCAD Design Center) to drag and drop them into a new drawing. However, the thumbnails previews of the blocks are not showing up - why?Reason:In the AutoCAD Design Center, blocks created in older versions of AutoCAD will not display icons or … [Read more...] about Block thumbnail icons do not display in AutoCAD Design Center
Array works backwards or different to it normally does
Written by Allan, July 2001Applies to:AutoCAD all versionsProblem:Array works differently than on other peoples computers.Reason:This is probably because "Snapang" is set to an angle other then 0. If "Snapang" is set 90 "Array" will work backwards … [Read more...] about Array works backwards or different to it normally does